29 April 2005

Million Kollar Baby

Was out shopping when I chancek upon this KVK shop. With a bit of spare time to kill, I kecikek to go in ank check out if there was anything interesting.

That's when I saw this cover. It was supposek to be Acakemy-Awark-winning "Million Dollar Baby" starring Morgan Freeman, Hillary Swank ank Clint Eastwook.

At first glance, something kikn't lookek right ank then it hit me. "Million Kollar Baby". Oh gook grief.

While I can unkerstank the "K" switching back ank forth with "C" in some languages like "konstant" or "Corea" To mix up D with K?

- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Saturday, 30 April 2005 9:11 am
Fwah! I katch no balls leh. :)
Lancerlord [gigi_lala2002@yahoo.com]

2. JayWalk left...
Saturday, 30 April 2005 10:00 am
Lancerlork my gook man: I woulk be in big trouble if you ko inkeek managek to catch my balls!

3. a reader left...
Sunday, 1 May 2005 9:31 pm
Kon't worry. I am not gook in catching balls. Some more you so far away.
Lancerlord [gigi_lala2002@yahoo.com]

4. JayWalk left...
Sunday, 1 May 2005 10:06 pm
hahaha... I see that you have caught on to this.
Perhaps, if I hak just spawned off a new language?

5. a reader left...
Wednesday, 4 May 2005 9:26 am
Ehh.. taiwanese are the worst! WORST!!!! spellers out there!! frigging crap shit!!!!

I saw their menus will pee in my pants... damnn farnee.. they're such english idiots.. i have yet to meet one taiwanese who speak perfect english.. hmm.. i only know one who does i think and she's so angmoh.. dun count.. haha


6. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 4 May 2005 9:34 am
No so bad lah... no?

Speaking of menu, I remembered seeing this in Ch1na. 

"Perculiar Fruit Juice" on the menu which is a direct translation from 奇异果汁 and it dawned on me that it was Kiwi Fruit Juice. *face palm*

If only I had a digicam then....

28 April 2005

Poly to offer IR-specific courses

"NGEE ANN Polytechnic has revamped some of its courses to prepare students for jobs at integrated resorts (IRs)." - Today 28 Apr 2005

Looks like everything is all set with the casinos that even Polytechnics are gearing up to offer courses catered to the Integrated Resorts.

I can see it now, the modules that they will be offering.

Mahjong 101: Introduction To Mahjong (Taiwanese, Hong Kong & Singapore Rules)
Mahjong 102: The Fundamentals Of Counting The Tais (Doubles)
Mahjong 103: Basics Of The Game (From Dice Throwing, Chiak, Pong, Gong to Gao)
Mahjong 104: The Strategy Of When To And When Not To Ump Kong
Mahjong 105: Flowers & Animals: Good Or Bad?
Mahjong 106: How To Do Da San Yuan (大三元), Da Si Xi (大四喜), Chap Sar Yew (十三幺).
Mahjong 107: The Perils Of Da Xiang Gong (大相公), Xiao Xiang Gong (小相公), Zha Hu (诈胡), Dio Pao (Hokkien: 中包).
Mahjong 108: Practical Project: Mahjong Tournament.

Anyway, I can imagine when these students graduate and start working at the casinos. Imagine their name cards to be like this:

NTUC Casino Limited

Tan Wee Seng
 (Dip. Bacarrat)
Senior Croupier

Sentosa Cove PO Box 112
Singapre 933112
Tel: 65-65551233
Fax: 65-65551234

p.s. I know that logo above was spoofed from Singapore Poly while the article refers to Ngee Ann. Bor pian leh... cannot find a big enough logo for NP leh... unless somebody can supply, I think I will leave it like that for now.

- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Thursday, 28 April 2005 11:25 pm
WAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The modules are hilarious!
You forgot this one: Mahjong 108: How to "Game" Without A Tai - Qing Yi Se, Ping Hu, Peng Peng Hu etc.

2. a reader left...
Friday, 29 April 2005 12:47 am
LOL. This will be a very noisy course.
Should have a lesson on how to swear when losing.
Lancerlord [gigi_lala2002@yahoo.com]
3. JayWalk left...
Friday, 29 April 2005 2:11 am
Sheena and Lancerlord: This is for year 1 mah... your suggestions are the more advanced level modules to be taken in Year 2 and 3.

Other modules include,

Mahjong 211: How to change underwear for better luck.
Mahjong 222: How to resolve a kar-loong?
Mahjong 309: How to read card with your thumb?
Mahjong 318: What if you need to fart?
4. a reader left...
Friday, 29 April 2005 8:22 am
hilarious..... must definitely be tomorrow-ed...if it hasn't already been!
5. a reader left...
Friday, 29 April 2005 1:17 pm
luckily not drinking anything....when not to ump kong...so funny...
nice format. ^^
6. JayWalk left...
Friday, 29 April 2005 1:48 pm
Anna: We'll see if it shows up there won't we?

Whateverstreet: Glad you enjoyed it. ManU shall win the FA Cup!

Nice format? Thanks! Credit goes to Wonkytong for that. (",)
7. a reader left...
Friday, 29 April 2005 2:07 pm
yup you got Tomorrowed! and thanx for your support! :)
calm one
8. JayWalk left...
Friday, 29 April 2005 2:13 pm
calm one: Well, what do you know? It really did show up at Tomorrow.sg..
Thanks for the recommendation and also thanks for dropping by!

27 April 2005

My Blog Got Professional Decorator, OK? Mai Siao Siao Hor?

So how do you like the blog's new look? Nice right? I got professional help ok? Don't pway pway ah!

I guess when the bill come through the mail slot, say goodbye to an arm and/or a leg. Ok... ok... just kidding. I hope.

Anyway, credit where credit is due. My thanks to WonkyTong for her generous wisdom. If there is an Oscar award for the blog design, she is SOOO gonna be in my speech.

"I wood like to tank my fudder, my mudder........"

It all started when we were just talking about my blog and we were lamenting about the links to post comments on each blog entry being so tiny to the extent of almost invisible.

Most folks would have given up by the 4th second... She said that she actually took 15 minutes just to locate it for the first time.... *lau bak sai*

So we thought why not do something about it and that's we started the "Murphy Brown vs Eldin Bernecky" episode where I was the Murphy and she the contractor, Eldin.

She took charge from 0-to-60 in record speed and I was adding this, removing that, changing this, trying that.....

It was more than just Murphy Brown, I tell you, it was "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" where she was the FAB-FIVE-IN-ONE.

I was totally bowed over when RGB hexadecimal codes flowed from her like it was her mother tongue. "Try #528a63. Next try #315573. No try #FF6600...."

Mmm...... techie babe...... mmm....... I like..... *drool*

In all, I like the end result. I like the 2-column format. I like the cleaner, less cluttered look. I like the colours. Thank you, WonkyTong. Owe you a big one for this. It's nice to get a woman's touch on it. *Big Grin*

p.s. I think I am going to leave the orange as that. Like I said, the Dutch will love me for it. (",)

Image Credit: http://www.shopnbc.com
- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Wednesday, 27 April 2005 9:53 pm
I'm itching to change my template for a long time. If I have time, I do it...May be up by next year....kekekeke..
Lancerlord [gigi_lala2002@yahoo.com]
2. a reader left...
Thursday, 28 April 2005 12:46 am
No fair! Why Nethia got specially-designed template and header from you but I don't have? *pouts*

You're MY sugar daddy, not hers! *pouts some more*

3. a reader left...
Thursday, 28 April 2005 3:47 am
you sabo me! I where got blog decorator. I just offer comments only lah. Besides, you chose the colors yourself..... Now, I have to look for a RGB #234124 to camouflage my face!

4. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 28 April 2005 10:10 am
Lancerlord: Yes, we are always tempted to tweak our blog from time to time but never ever managed to get up and do something about it. 

I was lucky to get the proverbial kick in the butt to get off my ass and ACTUALLY do something about it.

Sheena: Alamak, yours is Work-In-Progress at the moment. Really. I needed sometime to figure out how to do one to match your Bandung color.....

I am thinking of doing your in a chrome license plate effect but very rusty with Photoshop liao. Maybe need to refer back to my tricks manual for a refresher but the book is in Singapore, that is if I can still find it. Aiyah.... you take care of your exams first, can?

Anna: Where got sabo you? I do free advertising for you what?!!

Damn, I actually needed to fire up my PaintShop just to see what #234124 is... ~LOL

25 April 2005

CasiNo? CasiYes?

Ok ok, so the title is quite lame. I know, I know. Move on, please?

First off, I do have to say that this blog on the casino projects is rather late and perhaps to the extent that I may just be beating up a horse that is already beaten, dead and fossilised.

Anyway, I thought that I still need to squeeze something in here.

Let me just put on record that I am not against the casinos nor am I for it. However, there are just some points that is wedging up my ass crack and I am none too pleased about it.

Hello? Has Anybody Asked Me?
Let's face it, when the gahmen first announced that they are toying with the idea of setting up casinos in Singapore, many people like me, thought that it was a done deal already. Why do we think like that? Why are we all so cynical? Have we no faith in the gahmen that they would consult the people first?

Tell me, since I am not in the country all this while, was there an effort by the gahmen to find out if people wanted it or not? If so, I am sorry for I did not see nor hear about it.

If only we could do what the Swiss do, i.e. hold a referendum where each person gets a vote to say "Aye" or "Nay". After all, was not Singapore modeled after the Swiss? In 1995, Quebec held a referendum to decide if it should declare independence, instead of staying part of Canada. Or how about 1999 when Australians voted if they should divorce the British monarchy and declare as a republic? Granted that both outcomes were Nay, the lobbyist, though disappointed, went home knowing that the people had spoken.

Why couldn't we do it like them? I mean, if at the end of the vote count and there are indeed more "Yes" than "No", then by all means build the casinos with the people's blessing. I mean, we are a democratic society right? So where is the voting process?

Stop Sugar-Coating!
Please lah. A casino, by any other name is still a casino. Call it Integrated Resort, call it Gaming Parlour, Punter Emporium, it is still a casino. As long as there are chips, tables, croupier, cards, dice, etc. It will be a casino. Stop sugar-coating it with the word play by toning down "Casino" to something more subtle. Why? Dirty word is it?

I mean if you have the balls to go ahead and build the project, then why be afraid to admit it?

Integrated Resorts? Really!

Quit Whining About Gambling Addiction!
Alamak, slap forehead. Gambling has been around for as far as Singapore can remember. It is everywhere in Singapore and so I say, stop being the ostrich with the head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist. We have 4D, Toto, football betting and mahjong sessions. On a grander scale, we have the horse racing at the Turf Club, cruises to nowhere, ferries to Batam, tours buses to Genting Highlands. If there is a gambling addict, denying him/her access to the casinos will not solve his/her problem. This person needs help and it is not by taking away the casinos. I'll bet (no pun intended) banning him/her from the establishments will force the addict to find another way, another place to get his/her fix.

Anybody remembered Kevin Matthew Khoo? He was in the news a few years back. He was an ex-schoolmate of mine, who is serving life imprisonment now in an Australian prison with 25 years without parole. He was a undergrad student in Australia where he gambled his girlfriend's and his own tuition money away. His crime? First-degree murder of a gun shop owner whom, he wanted to buy a gun from, to rob somebody.

For Kevin, tell me which is more appropriate? Shutting down the casinos or get professional psychiatric help?

Restricted Access For Locals? HA!
So there is this $100 per day membership fee (up to a maximum of $2000 per year) to restrict access to locals. COME ON! It will only spur the gamblers to worker harder now that they have an additional $200 deficit to cover. Besides, $100 per day would add up to be about $36,500 per year. OH MY GOD!! Won't paying the maximum of $2000 up front saves me $34,500 right away?? That is like a 94.52% DISCOUNT???!! OH MY GOD!! Where do I sign up??? Oh wait, this one got include GST or not har?

Formula One Racing In Singapore? Zhun Bor?
Granted that a lot of people would want to bring back the glory days of Kallang (or was it Sembawang?), but think for a moment if this was just a smoke screen to distract us from the main agenda i.e. the gahmen is bulldozing its way to building the casino?

Anyway, if Singapore can host a leg of the F1 calendar, then I shall be most excited by it. F1 Singapore will be different from the rest of the races around the world. LTA will be setting up ERP gantries at the chicanes and all racing cars are required to install the In-Vehicle Unit (IU) with a valid cashcard loaded with enough money.

Jenson Button: Jenson to control. Jenson to control. Do you read me?

Control: Come in Jenson, we read you loud and clear.

Jenson Button: I need to come back to the pit again.

Control: Why? You just pitted 2 laps ago. Is anything wrong with the car? I am not picking up any anomalies from your car diagnostics on our monitors.

Jenson Button: I need to top up cash card.

Control: .......


In A Nutshell
I can't really say that opening of the Integrated Resorts will be good or bad for Singapore. Only time will tell. Just make sure that the decision makers are there to receive the bouquets or brickbats when the report cards are released.

A word to the likes of you and I. The casino may there in front of you but ultimately, you hold the final say as to whether to step inside or not. Go ahead and make your decision, while leaving me to make mine, OK?

Image Credit: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk
- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Monday, 25 April 2005 2:45 pm
Hey Jay.
THanks for dropping by at my blog. :)
Eddie G.

2. a reader left...
Monday, 25 April 2005 9:34 pm
wahahahaha...top up cash card!! =D
9 [dun.want.leh@gmail.com]

3. JayWalk left...
Monday, 25 April 2005 11:13 pm
Eddie G: The pleasure is all mine.

Ah 9: Glad that put a smile on your face. Eh... how come nobody recommend this one to tomorrow.sg har? *sulk*

4. a reader left...
Tuesday, 26 April 2005 12:15 am
It'll be worse if he radios in to say that they had forgotten to install the IU. kekeke.....
lancerlord [gigi_lala2002@yahoo.com]

5. a reader left...
Tuesday, 26 April 2005 4:13 am
top up cash card is so classic

6. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 26 April 2005 8:02 am
lancerlord: Given that the cars are so tightly packed with equipment, the IU is definitely going to be on the outside of the body shell machiam like motorcycle like that.... 

You realised how FUGLY it is going to be? OH MY EYES!!! MY EYES!!!!!

Anna: It has gotta be the cash card way coz if it were the paper type of the old days.... where got windscreen for you to stick the thing?

Imagine all the F1 cars lining up to buy the paper permit display. Imagine all the drivers sticking out their hands giving either the No.1 sign (1 time entry) or the No.3 sign (whole day entry).

Besides, at their speed, it will be difficult for the policeman sitting in the little hut trying to spot them (without the valid display) and take down their license plate.... oh wait.... got license plate meh?

24 April 2005

I Believe You - Low Kay Hwa

I chanced upon this short story on the web by Low Kay Hwa.

All in all, I thought that it was an excellent effort on the part of this young lad.

Like I said in my email to him,

"I would describe it as a raw gem. Unpolished but nonethelss possesses the potential of turning into a precious stone."

While I am tempted to give a low-down on what this story is all about, I think that it would be better if you would go over to http://www.i-believe-you.com and read it for yourself. 20 chapters in all and so I would advise finding a comfortable place, do your toilet thing beforehand, grab a cold soda and get a big bowl of chips. You are going to need it, cause there will be no intermission during this performance. Switch off all handphones and pagers, please. Thank you.

This is where I will be sharing my after thoughts about it. Perhaps you should finish reading the story before returning?

No? Ok, let's begin.

I am a sucker for stories with a local school setting. Anyone remember Teenage Textbook? Ahh.... memories of my teen-hood.

Reading it takes you down memory lane as the Kay Hwa does a good job setting up the scenes. The building of Joanna's character was good right from the start. So was the protrayal of Grandma and best friend, Landy. However, when it comes to the opposite character Jacky, I felt that Kay Hwa came somewhat short. For an important character like Jacky, I think it deserved a bit more.

"Jacky wants to help Joanna" and I find myself asking why? Unfortunately, this was a question mark left unattended. Perhaps an answer to that would have given me a clearer picture of this Jacky character.

Da Vinci Code
One of the clues that this story was written recently (fresh from the oven!) was the mention of Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code". The inspired Kay Hwa borrowed a leaf from Brown to include his own code via a series of mobile phone SMS messages from Jacky to Joanna. Problem is, that there was no solution at the end. A discussion with Kay Hwa on this and he said that it was for the readers to try to break the code themselves. I disagree. I would prefer to have the solution towards that end so that the readers are able to try it for themselves along the way and if, the reader is unable to decode it, then the solution will come at the right time, serving the right purpose. It would be naive to simply assume that every reader would be able to decode the messages. I mean, what if the reader is unable to? Wouldn't that cause the reader to lose an important part of the story?

Forgive me, if I just called the author naive. It is just that the reader deserves the 100% that the author originally intended to offer.

The Ending
It was abrupt at best. Kay Hwa said that it was meant to be an open ending, giving the readers to think about their own conclusion. Again, I disagree. There was no ending. It was left opened. Leaving it like that akin to painting a fabulous masterpiece only to let someone else put the final signature on it.

Anyway, since this was done on the web, I suggested perhaps the author could offer 2 different endings, given that there could be 2 different outcomes for Jacky? Put them in separate links and let the readers decide the ending ala the classic Choose-Your-Own-Adventure series.

Minor Stuff
I would be nitpicking if I were to mention the typos and mistakes throughout the story. For a first draft, I say that it is a common thing and I urge all readers to look beyond them and try to appreciate what the author originally intended to write.

Another point that I am confused is that Jacky died in Chapter 18 and yet in the next chapter, Jacky was on a glucose drip? Now why would a dead guy need to be on a glucose drip? I am sure that was not what Kay Hwa intended but whatever it was supposed to be, I didn't get it. Sorry, Kay Hwa but you need to help me out on this.

Conclusion (His. Mine Not Yet)
More of a postscript than an actual ending to the story where the author briefly introduces the aspect of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). His description, during the course of the story, of the psychiatric sessions and write-up at the end of OCD, appeared to be fairly credible. I can't say for sure since I don't know enough. Perhaps it was drawn from the author's first-hand account?

Conclusion (Mine. Not His)
I would say that it was a good read with minor kinks here and there. Let's hope to see more of Kay Hwa's effort soon. Please do take the time to go over and read it. At the end of it, perhaps leave a note to Kay Hwa? I believe the chap deserves a pat on the back for a good effort.

And by the way, I managed to decode the hidden messages within the SMSes. *relief*

Image Credit: http://www.gamebooks.org
- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Monday, 25 April 2005 5:59 pm
i read this just now

my take is either the joanna is dreaming about all this on the bus. or the jacky managed to wake up and requested for the peeled apple.

what stopped me from tearing up was the names. jacky wu and joanna fung. i nearly hooted but stopped due to the development of the story.

2. JayWalk left...
Monday, 25 April 2005 11:16 pm
Yeah. I agree with you. The characters' name are kinda tacky.

However, bear in mind that this is just a draft. The final work of the editor is still to be done.

p.s. I think perhaps this story would be better if written in Chinese rather than English. What do you think?

3. kIm left...
Thursday, 5 January 2006 1:29 am
I know I'm so late. Haha.

JACKY DIED?!?!!? Oh boy. So my tears werent wasted. I still want to read the book!!!! I have this love-hate relationship with Singapore love stories. The female or male lead will always die. And I would end up crying and wiping off my tears with half a box of tissue paper. Yet I cant resist reading them. Sigh.
4. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 5 January 2006 1:36 am :: 
kIm: Wah... so late still haven't sleep har?

sigh... you are such a sucker for the melodramatics. :P
5. Airseft left...
Friday, 8 August 2008 3:03 pm
Hey, may I know what is the hidden message? I can't figure it out at all. ):
6. JayWalk left...
Friday, 8 August 2008 3:27 pm :: 
airseft: Welcome to the blog. Take the first letter of each sms to form the secret message.
7. Jeff left...
Sunday, 17 August 2008 1:35 am :: http://lwm89.blogspot.com
It's the first capital word in the sentence. Join it together, and you'll get I love you , LOL
8. JayWalk left...
Sunday, 17 August 2008 9:36 am ::
Jeff: Yup. That's it.
9. Joleen left...
Thursday, 4 December 2008 11:15 pm
did you buy the book and read it?
10. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 4 December 2008 11:52 pm ::
Joleen: The book wasn't printed when I read it. It was a long time ago. I read the draft copy they Kay Wah put on the web.
11. Ray left...
Monday, 15 December 2008 10:41 pm
I read the book and at the end of it, there was another message to decode. Till now, I have no idea whats the answer. The answer would "complete" a side part of the story. I hope anyone who knows the answer to that SECOND message given by Jacky to email me the answer. My email is meetyoulater@gmail.com
12. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 16 December 2008 10:22 pm :: http://jaywalk.blog-city.com
Ray: You know, it's been almost 4 years since I read the book and mind you, the one I read was a draft. How the finished product differs from the original draft, I do not know.

To be honest, my version didn't have the second message. Sorry. Can't help you there. If you can email me the second one, I may have an inkling to know how to solve it.
13. Sage left...
Tuesday, 23 December 2008 2:57 am
I read the book also but i did not come across any second message to decode other than the SMS. Kinda confusing huh.
14. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 23 December 2008 8:39 am :: 
Sage: Well, it's either the second coded message doesn't exist or we are both reading the older edition? Welcome to the blog!
15. Justin left...
Wednesday, 15 April 2009 5:11 pm
so what is the decoded message?
16. JayWalk left...
Sunday, 19 April 2009 11:25 pm :: 
Justin: Just form a sentence from the first letter of each sms msg.

23 April 2005

Silly Dream

It's 5.08am Singapore time as I awoke to a totally bizarre and silly dream. Thought I pencil it down in case I forget. For those arm-chair psychologist, care to give me a low-down as to what the dream was all about? If you can come up with 4 digits, lagi best. Thanks.

So there I was in my dream, knocked off from work early one afternoon. I was an employee again, working for somebody else and so I guess this would take be back to the time where I was working in a dot-com coz the setting was Raffles Place and I was in my shirt and tie.

In this dream, the dot-com is still a dot-com (read: not dot-gone) coz, I was walking to the carpark, in the direction of the chauffeur holding the door to my limo.

There was no details about the car ride but Act I Scene II takes me to somebody's HDB flat which doubled up as a Malay food store. There is this nice Malay auntie operating the food stall with the glass window displaying her yummy makan and few tables and chairs scattered around like Charlie's Corner in the early days. There were quite a few people there and I ordered the nasi lemak. It was the traditional ones with the banana leaf folded into a triangle.

As it was late afternoon, so most of the folks there weren't eating then. They were just hanging out and listening to a Malay talk show on the radio. Machiam like the old Kopi-tiam-listening-to-Rediffusion-box days.

It was in Malay and I don't know enough of the language to be able to listen to the program. YET, I somehow knew that the DJ was inviting for callers. So I whipped out my mobile phone and dial the numbers read out on the program (yah lah... at least I know the satu, dua, tiga and ampats....).

Guess what, I got through and the DJ was on the other end. It was Queen Latifah! (Don't ask me how I can see her over the phone/radio. I just can, OK?)

I was on LIVE National Radio! We didn't get a word in as she was busy taking in another caller, which turned out to be a Malay guy. It was a 3-way conference and the chatter began. Me, with obviously not enough conversational Bahasa to save my life, soon turned into the silent party in the 3-way talk on LIVE national radio.

The rest of the phone conversation was just me holding the phone to my ear and listening to the two of them chatter away. What are they talking about??! It's weird coz I could easily do that by just listening to the radio. However, like a moth to the open flame, I found my hand stuck to my phone, phone stuck to my ear.

Obviously, with no chance of participating in the conversation, I went on with eating my nasi lemak with one hand, while the other was still holding the phone and listening to them talking.

I lost track of the conversation as I went about doing my stuff when all of a sudden, I realised that there was nobody at the other end of the phone. It was all silent.

Instinctively, I went, "Er.... hello?"

And there was this other voice in English. "Who's this?"

It was Georgina Chang (I know! I know! I can see the other party by listening to their voices!) who was the producer of the radio station.

I explained what I had been doing for the past hour and she explained, "But..... but... the show ended 20 minutes ago!"

"HAR???" as I was jolted awake.

Hmm... strange dream....... oh well, time to go pang jio liao......

Image Credits: http://www.crystalinks.com; http://www.vh1.com
- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Saturday, 23 April 2005 7:34 am
Let me analyze for you.

You probably miss home and Singapore - thus, the Malay padang stall, as well as Bahasa Malay. As for Queen Latifah, I sense someone in the blogosphere resembling her, not in a bad way, but a complimentary way. I'd better not say who, otherwise I would end up at the Nasi Padang food stall.

Becos' you have been keeping in touch with her. As for Georgina Chang, that would relate to all those flying you've been doing.....perhaps, one of those flight stewardness resembled her.

2. JayWalk left...
Saturday, 23 April 2005 9:36 am
Damn weird man.... Queen Latifah speaking Bahasa.

Some one resembling her? Who ah? Who ah? *Act Blur* 

Actually, I think Queen Latifah popped in coz I was checking out her new movie "Beauty Shop" on the web prior to konking out.

Georgina Chang was probably a throwback to the old days when Perfect 10 first started.

Speaking of Perfect 10, I remembered setting up a stall at ACJC bi-annual fun fair were we were spinning music and taking dedictions.

We called ourselves FM 98.6. The Nearly Perfect 10.

In all, you are right about the fact that I missed home lots.

Of Daffy Duck And Cash-On-Line Machine

Hmm.... looks like I'm on a roll here, reminiscing about my crazy youth. Well, it looks like KnightOfPentacles got tickled with the earlier ones and so I say, "KnightOfPentacles, for you special. I write one more".

I remembered clearly. It was back in 1987 and I was in Sec 4. School was done for the day and my pal, Sam and I took CSS Bus No.3 to town (coz en route can see RGS girls mah. heh heh... but I digress).

We got off at Paragon and heading to the basement* for the ATM as we were both pretty broke. We were walking side by side and we both knew that we were spying each other from the corner of our eye. The ATM was in sight, and there was a silent exchange. The race to the ATM was on as neither of us wanted to be the guy to have to wait in queue.

However, we had to maintain our composure and act cool coz neither of us wanted to admit that we were kiasu and/or childish.

15 metres. I sensed that he picked up the pace a little and edge slightly forward. I kept pace.

10 metres. My turn to raise the stakes as I nudged slightly forward while resisted breaking the stride into a sprint.

5 metres. We were neck and neck. Breathing was brisk, adrenaline was pumping, heartbeat was accelerating.

4 metres. Like a horse, wearing the blinders, all I could see was the ATM under a spotlight on a darkened stage. There was nothing else in sight. Just the ATM. Machiam the Holy Grail in Indiana Jones like that.

3 metres. Everything was in slow motion. Just the ATM in front. All ambient noise were blocked out. It was total silence from the outside. All I could hear was my own heartbeat and breathing. Lub-dub... lub-dub... lub-dub....

2 metres. Critical point breached! GO! GO! GO! I went for the ATM with a giant leap, like an octopus/alien being flung towards the machine. I landed with my arms and YES, even my legs around the machine, proudly proclaiming (ala Daffy Duck**) at the top of my voice, "MINE! MINE! ALL MINE! MUAHAHAHAHAAH!!!"

As I turned victoriously around to face my defeated adversary, I saw a lady standing there, totally jaw dropped. Siao liao....

There Sam was, at the mama shop browsing through the magazines some distance away. Nah beh.....

I didn't talk to Sam for a week after that.

* Back then, coming down from the stairs from street level, we have Cold Storage supermarket on the left and a mama shop on the right with the POSB Cash-On-Line machine right at the end. I wonder if it is still the same today.

** Click here or the picture for the original Daffy Duck sound clip.

- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Sunday, 24 April 2005 5:41 pm
I am honoured.
knightofpentacles [singaporeserf@yahoo.com]
2. JayWalk left...
Sunday, 24 April 2005 7:23 pm
ahh.... but you are most welcomed.
A happy visitor is a reward in itself.
Cheers, mate.

22 April 2005

Of Gate Agents and Bank Receptionists

As I have been flying for the past week, I recalled an anecdote from a few years ago, on one of my travels.

I was at the Hong Kong Chap Lap Kok International Airport on my way back to Singapore on home leave after having spent 6 months in Ch1na.

So after the gruelling 3-hour bus ride from D0ngGuan to the HK Airport, I checked in, cleared immigration only to reach my designated gate with a sign that says that my flight was delayed and that we had been assigned another new gate number. In layman's speak, it meant that we will be switching to another aircraft. Nah beh......

So being bored, waiting around doing nothing, I went up to the gate agent to find out more. She revealed that the air-conditioning of the plane had broken down and they are arranging for another to cover the flight.

That's when I decided to put up my most himbotic impression and went, "But.... but... we can all wind down the windows, right???"

I could see her mind went blank, jaw dropped, eyes stoned, obviously trying, with all of her CPU and RAM maxed-out, to process what I just unloaded on her. I walked away brisky to my new gate without once daring to look back.

There was another time when I was back in Singapore to collect my new credit card from HSBC. So there I was at their Claymore Branch where there was these two really babelicious receptionists/customer service officers manning the counter.

One of them handed me the envelope containing my card and we went through the process of signing for the package and a brief presentation to the current promotions that they were having.

The next question she asked was how I wanted to have my card PIN given to me (she assumed that I knew that I could choose either be by post or self-collect). So I reached over the counter, took her hand and led her to the corner of the counter. Like some secret agent, I looked left, looked right and left again, as if to make sure we were not being spied on.

I brought my ear close to her and in a mock whisper, I said, "Ok, now tell me my PIN quietly...."

She stood there and looked at me, totally blur as her colleague choked and sputtered her water all over the desk.

Dum dee dum dee dum......

Postnote: Thought I post another adventure of my foolish youth here. You may want to check it out too.

- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Saturday, 23 April 2005 12:07 am
Good one! (Or two actually).
You put a smile on my face.
knightofpentacles [singaporeserf@yahoo.com]
2. a reader left...
Saturday, 23 April 2005 7:30 am
haha, "wind down window", "whisper to you"? ...you very clown lah! purposely right? That's just way of chatting up girls.
3. JayWalk left...
Saturday, 23 April 2005 9:45 am
knightofpentacles: Glad that you liked it. Just for you, I will write another funny one later. This time round, I was at the receiving end of the stick. Call it karma. Akan datang.

Anna: For the record, I walked away from both and never looked back. Like that then got style mah! Machiam like the lone cowboy riding into the sunset after saving the village from the bandits. Too bad, the fair maiden didn't run after me and hop on. Darn.

There is a fine line between a Style-meister and a Sleaze-bag.

I took the prior route but the Glamourous outcome also quite tragic lah.

I mean, you got the girl got but didn't take the next step. It's like winning the Reader's Digest Sweepstakes (You have cleared the first 2 stages and are now in the final stage! Here is the GOLD KEY to unload the jackpot!) only to realised that you can't collect the winnings coz you are an employee and hence disqualified.

Oh... the irony of fate.
4. hitomi left...
Friday, 29 July 2005 9:25 pm
Si beh hiao leh, you.
5. JayWalk left...
Saturday, 30 July 2005 12:42 am :: 
hitomi: Hiao meh? Where got? *pout*
6. hitomi left...
Saturday, 30 July 2005 1:31 am
Wah lao, "怪伯伯" acting cute ah? *shudder*
7. JayWalk left...
Saturday, 30 July 2005 8:14 am :: 
hitomi: Si gin nah... 没大没小. pffft....
8. Jaschocolate left...
Monday, 27 March 2006 7:52 am
Errr... mom and you same age right? where got 没大没小? hahaha... you remind me of my mom.. she's 55 btw..
9. JayWalk left...
Monday, 27 March 2006 9:31 am :: 
Jaschocolate: Hitomi is younger lah.

More Sexyblogger

Click here or picture to enlarge
Just when we thought we were done with the Sexyblogger fad, I found this one on the South China Morning Post dated 21 Apr 2005.

That's LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers (NBA).

Courtesy of Reuters Photo.

- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Saturday, 23 April 2005 7:29 am
yuck! look like a cigar to me.
2. JayWalk left...
Saturday, 23 April 2005 9:47 am
Well, it certainly beats Pocky Sticks? ShokorLAT or Slawbelly? *Jap accent*

19 April 2005

Crappy Cabby

Click Here Or Picture To Enlarge
Well, the last of my appointments was finally over and I am ready to leave this place. For those who just started reading this blog, track back to "Friggin Tired" to read about me in High Point, North Carolina.

It was an ardous non-stop working week and I am sure glad to be able to finally lift my foot off the gas pedal. Anyway, as it turned out, my meeting finished at 4pm which means that I have a bladdy 1 hours 45 minutes of slack time to kill before the first shuttle for the hotel leaves.

Instead, it was decided to just grab a cab and head back for some zees before dinner. So I went to the taxi stand and there was this line of taxis all waiting.

"Good, no waiting." I muttered to myself.

My assigned cabby is this huge bi-focals-wearing reggae guy with the dreadlocks, the accent, the works.

He took my taxi booking slip and said "Sheraton Four Seasons, MON?"

"Ay, MON." I replied and was instantly rewarded with a dirty look. Nah hiah.... dirty look me.... I dirty look you back, MON!

It was a non-verbal exchange and if I may transcribe it, it goes roughly like this...

Reggae Dirty Look: Oi, you mocking me, is it?

My Return Dirty Look: Wah lao eh, kio lim peh heng sar chap gor kor chey li eh puar tek see. Lim peh sian ji puar liao. Tan, mai ka lim peh gia sio hwee hor? Nah hiah...
(Translate: What the heow!? USD 35 bucks for cab fare in a garbage truck of a cab? I am most disappointed. Don't even think about getting a tip later. Damn it!)

The cab was in terrible shape. Even the side mirror had to be held together with duct tape. Apparently, the cab originated from New York? How did I know that? The New York map is still stuck at the back of the seat!! (Click here or photo to enlarge) Cripes, and I am in North Carolina!!

The back of the cab was really cramped as it has this anti-crime barrier erected leaving me with almost no leg room. (Click here or other picture to enlarge) While it is was nippy in the morning at around 10 degrees celsius, the temperature and risen to over 25 degree in the afternoon. This cab has got no air conditioning and the windows were fully closed and (gasp!), not working.

Bladdy hell (literally!), I was being incubated behind like a hatching chick at the Singapore Science Centre. Finally, I got his attention and he asked if I need to wind down the windows. Uh....... YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

He struggled with his window switch since the two on each of my side weren't working. Eventually, the windows wheezed in the midst of whirrings and crackling of the motors to finally give me a 6-inch gap on the right window and 4 on the left. Pant! Pant!

So it was a 20 minute ride with the wind coming in from both side and slapping me silly. WHOP! WHOP! WHOP! WHOP! as my hair got all messed up like Albert Einstein and I swear I was a little bit deaf when I alighted.

Still, it was better than my last cabbie, 3 years ago, who got lost trying to locate my hotel and stupidly drove into drug junkie territory, scaring both our wits to pieces. Eventually, I remarked that it was obvious that he was not local and asked where he was from.

"Egypt." came the sheepish reply.

Wah leow.... even further from where I came from........ Good grief.

Northwest Airlines, I am ready to leave now.
- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Tuesday, 19 April 2005 2:50 pm
I'm really scared of US cab drivers. I don't take cabs at all. I would either walk or take the bus.
2. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 19 April 2005 2:56 pm
Ahh... that clues me that you are living in the city.

Try someplace ulu like mine and you will realised that there is no way to walk on the streets coz sidewalk is non-existent.

I remember back in 2002, here in High Point, when I was staying in Extended Stay and ALL the restaurants were on the other side of the street. We couldn't get across and had to settle dinner by buying stuff from the gas station. Si beh cham man....
3. a reader left...
Wednesday, 20 April 2005 3:03 pm
i think any construction truck in singapore would have put that cab to shame.
4. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 20 April 2005 5:15 pm
whateverstreet: Let me help you rephrase that.

any contruction truck on Pulau Ubin would have put that cab to shame.
heh heh...
5. a reader left...
Friday, 22 April 2005 5:19 pm
haha, i thought i was the only one who had non-verbal exchanges..

ah, damn funny sia..and was the guy egyptian with a jamaican accent? or was he a jamaican from egypt? just curious..liked your jamaican accent too

6. JayWalk left...
Friday, 22 April 2005 9:12 pm
Ahh.... my dear Nethia, I think you a bit confused liao.

The most recent one is definitely Jamaican.

The Egypt one was 3 years ago. 2 separate incidents. Looks like it would be easier to locate the holy grail than to actually find an american cabby.

18 April 2005

Famous Dating Quiz

As a promise to WonkyTong, here are the results of my recent stab at the Famous Dating Quiz.

Well as "Liberal" is listed as 4th on my "Traits", it is quite obvious that I am not a fan of "Dubya". And no surprises that both Traits and Match Traits listed "Funny" as my numero Uno. I guess only a Siao Char Bo would befit a Siao Ta Por. heh heh....

Your dating personality profile:

Funny - You laugh often. People never accuse you of lacking a sense of humor. You don't take yourself too seriously.

Adventurous - Just sitting around the house is not something that appeals to you. You love to be out trying new things and really experiencing life.

- Physical fitness is one of your priorities. You find the time to work athletic pursuits into your schedule. You enjoy being active.

Your Top Ten Traits

1. Funny
2. Adventurous
3. Athletic
4. Liberal
5. Wealthy/Ambitious
6. Sensual
7. Outgoing
8. Religious
9. Intellectual
10. Practical

Your date match profile:

Funny - You consider a good sense of humor a major necessity in a date. If her jokes make you laugh, she has won your heart.

- You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.

- You are looking for someone who is willing to try new things and experience life to its fullest. You need a companion who encourages you to take risks and do exciting things.

Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Funny
2. Practical
3. Adventurous
4. Religious
5. Athletic
6. Sensual
7. Intellectual
8. Conservative
9. Traditional
10. Shy

Take the Online Dating Personality Quiz at Dating Diversions
- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Monday, 18 April 2005 2:58 pm
You're definitely a funny guy! However, can't tell that you're athletic too.....
2. JayWalk left...
Monday, 18 April 2005 9:56 pm
Harlow! Couch potatoing is also a sport OK??
I guess perhaps that they were refering to sports loving? Or an active lifestyle where the opportunity arises? Too many times are we bogged down by work when we could have been doing stuff that we really wanted.

Friggin' Tired

This is my 5th night of non-stop working, sleeping at 4am only to get up at 7. For the benefit of the uninitiated, I am presently in High Point, North Carolina attending the Furniture Market. It's appointments and meeting customers in the day time, negotiating prices, marketing program planning, new designs reviewing and most important of all, cost numbers crunching as well. When night falls, it's calls back to the office (when sun rises over there) to get in touch with the design team, feeding them data from the day's meetings and getting new numbers ready for subsequent meetings the next day.

For those interested in furniture, check out my new designs for this spring. Goto my ShutterFly Album.

It's deja vu to the army daze where my personal record was 11 days* in Taiwan without sleep. So by right 5 days of "slightly deprived" sleep should be cakewalk but alas I am now 15 years older. As much as I hate to admit it, lim peh really lau liao....

* I do catch a couple of winks whenever we get onto the 3-tonner and head for the next checkpoint. Other than that it's really just coffee, cigarettes and my colgate.

- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Monday, 18 April 2005 2:57 pm
You really can huh? 3 hours of sleep only? If I were you, I would lock myself inside one of the furniture to nap! ;)
2. JayWalk left...
Monday, 18 April 2005 9:58 pm
Bor pian..... this is work lor.... although I must say that not every market is like that. It seems that only this time, it felt kinda extreme.

Besides, there is no bathroom in the furniture. So locking in is not an option. ~LOL

16 April 2005

More Golfing At Los Serranos

Well, despite the title, this blog has got nothing to do with my golf (again!)

Just more pictures taken to share with everybody.

This time round, I went to Los Serranos where the last time I was there was back in 2003. Boyu am I really glad to have the opportunity to revisit it again.

Perhaps, in my opinion one of the better courses that I have played in the Los Angeles area.

Once again, the shutterbug-cum-golfer (ahem, me) was at it again chasing after hares* and ducks while the rest of my flight was chasing me to play my next shot!

*No hares today as the little wascaly wabbits were simply too fast for me. Just the duck. Dang!

The whole slope was covered with these purple darlings. How not to take photo?

Looks like daisy? No? Then again, all flowers with a button centre and a circular fan petal arrangement is a daisy to me. Sigh... I know.... typical bloke.

Here are some wild flowers. Just because they are not planted by the hand of man, doesn't mean it is any less beautiful.

Here's a close up. Hmm.... daisy? *pengz*

Duck on water. Ring a bell, WonkyTong?

Snapped this piece of wasteland right outside the golf course. Thought I take a picture of this as a sombre reminder, that this would be the world for us in future if we do not start doing our bit for the environment.

- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Saturday, 16 April 2005 4:53 pm
Absolutely beautiful! The pics were worth my wait. =D
Will you pleeeease take me with you to the USA next time you go? After all you're my sugar dad!
2. JayWalk left...
Sunday, 17 April 2005 4:56 am
Wah raoz....
Don't know from where suddenly become sugar dad... si beh loogi leh...
3. a reader left...
Tuesday, 19 April 2005 5:00 am
yes, duck on water!!! that sounds like you.
4. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 19 April 2005 5:54 am
Yeah... quack quack....

15 April 2005

Coffee - The Hokkien Kind And The Vietnamese Kind

Warning: Coarse Language In This Entry

This cafe has been around for quite some time already and I finally got off my butt for once, walk up to the cafe and took the photos.

At first glance, it doesn't say much in this Mandarin speaking part of Ch1na.

It was after I found out that the owner is a Hokkien-speaking Taiwanese that I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Bladdy bugger got one heck of a sense of humour. I wonder how many local ch1nese folks caught the joke?

I wonder what would happen if I go to the cafe and tell the waitress that I wish to order a cup of "Lan Jiao Kopi"? er.... kopi-O please.... No "creamer", please. Don't trust these guys...

Here's the shop front. Looking at the bread arrangement (the baguette with the 2 dinner rolls) on billboard on the left. Is it a coincidence? Or is it deliberately sublimal? Or am I reading too much into this? Hmm..... I wonder.....

Ok time to get our minds out of the sewers. Finicky Feline was writing about coffee a few days ago and I thought I share my favourite bean. While the kopi tiam Indonesian roast is ever as good, sometimes I do go for the slightly "atas" blend of the Colombian bean. I like the sour after-taste though many folks would disagree.

But that was until a few years ago when Teck got me a kilo of the Vietnamese blend. Oh my gawd! I thought I died and gone to heaven. It was, like Teck said, "Liquid Gunpowder". ZONK!!!

While I did it the traditional drip way, Teck did it the more technologically advanced way by making the coffee in his Krups Super Duper Expresso Machine. He said that it worked better than his alarm clock as the frangrance of the Vietnamese coffee woke him right up as soon as the aroma diffused into his bedroom from the kitchen. Say good bye to the snooze button.

I went through my first kilo pretty quickly and was soon a junkie, craving for more. I started to source for the beans myself but somehow none was as good as Teck's. Took me a while to learn that his was unblended while the ones I got were infused with french vanilla, hazel nut or something else ..... It just wasn't the real deal. Guess I am very the purist, hor?

These days, I have to say that I am very fortunate to have business friends who shuttle between Ch1na and Vietnam every other week to keep my habit going.

I don't agree with Teck's coffee making method. The strong gush of hot steaming water is just too harsh on the bean. There must be a reason why the local Vietnamese resisted the coffee maker. I believe that the Vietnamese bean needs to be gently brewed to draw out the flavour and also, the real joy of drinking the coffee is to drink it in a relaxing setting. No distractions. Just the coffee and you. MMmmmm........

Click here or picture to enlarge
Vietnamese Coffee Porcelain Drip1

Ivan was lamenting about his flimsy aluminum drip apparatus that couldn't last long. Well, in the their (the local Vietnamese) defense, most of the local folks are poor, especially after the Vietnam War in the 60s. Aluminum was the only inexpensive metal in abundance. I don't see any alternative for them then.

I got the porcelain ones when I was in Vietnam last October. They were so beautiful. I couldn't resist not buying them.

Click here or picture to enlarge
Vietnamese Coffee Porcelain Drip 2

Here's another picture. As with the original aluminum ones, the lid is flipped over to act as a saucer to collect the drip. The little knob inside is the press that weigh down the coffee grounds to the bottom for the hot water to seep through. See the thick black coffee? Yum........ liquid gunpowder.... mmmm..... ZONK!!!

- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Friday, 15 April 2005 3:12 am
I'm bowled over by "lan niao", and how significant can it get, when the baguette is arranged in a auspicious way! haha
2. JayWalk left...
Friday, 15 April 2005 3:31 pm
Yeah. I was most tickled by it when it first opened.
At first, I thought it was just me having a dirty mind, unless I found out that the owner was a hokkien speaking Taiwanese.

Wah lan (no pun intended) eh....

Back On The Saddle At Whittier Narrows

As some of you have been following my blog, I walked away from the game of golf, after I was closed to a mental meltdown in anguish. Well, my hiatus was cut short as I was persuaded by my Uncle Taylor that he was a man short of a complete flight.

I reluctantly agree. Can't say no to the guy whom is my Twa Pek, can I?

The game was at Whittier Narrows which is about a 20-minute drive from our place.

As I was worried that my self-imposed chill-out sentence wasn't completed, I wasn't sure if I could bring myself to play the game with the passion that I used to have for it. So I brought along my Lumix as an added insurance to keep me distracted. Just in case.

As it turned out that my game has gotten back a bit of normalcy. Shot 90 (which is good by my crappy standards and considering that fact that I didn't touch my clubs in weeks) and had fun snapping pictures here, there and everywhere. The guys were a bit peeved with me as throughout the whole game, I spent more time taking pictures than playing the game. Oops.

So all in all, it turned out to be a pretty good day.

That's my Twa Pek doing his Chee Ko Pek smile. Yee-errrrrr....

At the age of 71, he is still going on strong. Granted that his distance isn't there anymore, he makes it up with his accurate control of his shot. Winning him still takes quite a bit of effort on my part. Alas, the fact that I am quite crappy didn't help my cause much either.

Intrigued with the shutter burst function of my Lumix, he decided he wanted to have a go at it too. Too bad, his reflexes wasn't fast enough and 2 shots was all that he could muster. Oh well, need practice, I supposed.

Aye... my favourite tree. The Oak as this majestic one stand alongside the fairway.

Another favourite - the pine tree.

Where there are pine trees, there will be pine cones....

... and where there are pine cones, there will be squirrels. The guys thought I went mad as I was chasing this squirrel all over the fairway with the golf buggy in one hand and the camera in the other.

Spotted some beautiful flowers at the golf course as well. This one looks like a daisy except that the flowers are no bigger than a 5-cent coin. To the course maintanance guys, this little thing of beauty is unfortunately considered a weed.

At first from far, I thought I saw rambutan (in California??!!) only to realise at close distance that it was a flower. Doesn't it resemble the brush that we use to scrub baby's feeding bottle.

Another beautiful flower which I have no bladdy idea what it is called. Still, it is too pretty not to take snap of it.

- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Friday, 15 April 2005 3:13 am
you look a little like your twa pek! Don't mean the tee ko pek part
2. JayWalk left...
Friday, 15 April 2005 3:33 pm
Ahh.. the tee ko pek part will come when I am in the 60s.
You will sport me in a Maserati Spyder, waiting outside ACJC for my girlfriend to finish her school.... *drool* ....

14 April 2005

Me, My Blog & I - The Road Ahead

Welcome to the final segment of Me, My Blog & I. In my earlier 2 parts, I talked about how I got to what I am today as far as the blog is concerned (Me, My Blog & I - The Road Up To Now) and what is the current status of my blog (Me, My Blog & I - Crossroads).

I do apologise if this last segment took so long but it is the hardest to write in order for it to make all 3 parts make sense as one. I breezed through the first two only to find myself painted into a corner with the third. Almost like an author who couldn't create the ending to his novel.

Before I start this proper, perhaps I need to address some of the issues left behind in Part 2 before I can move on.

Re: 1) The Thought Tweaker (TT)Earlier, I mentioned that all the author do is write whatever he/she is interested in. I also further mentioned that the extreme TT does not make any sense and here's where KnightOfPentacles come in with his earlier comment pointing out my error. In a nutshell, he was right to question what is wrong being an extreme TT? After all, shouldn't a blog be a place where we express our very own thoughts? If this is not extreme Thought Tweaking, then what is?

So to KnightOfPentacles, you are right on this one. Perhaps a re-adjustment of the Matrix is in order. I guess this boils down to my failure to express my original thoughts clearly and accurately. Maybe if I cite myself as an example, then perhaps it would shed a bit more light as to what was I really trying to say?

For those who have been following me since day 1 and those who have taken the time to track through my archives, I thank you for reading. You would have realised that all I did was write about football, football and more football. I wrote my own pre-game outlook, post-game analysis, draw charts and update tables. The works, the bacon bits, the sour cream, the spring onions, all in.

While I can say that my readership was never a zero, those that followed my footie stuff were already there when I was doing it via emailing list, way before I discovered blogging. What bugs me is that discounting those on my mailing list (who were my friends anyway), my readership these 18 months at Blog-City yielded nobody. Like I said, there were passer-bys here and there but none really did stay for long.

I will come back to this later but anyone knows what I am saying so far?

So looking back, I guess the term The Thought Tweaker was wrongly used. Perhaps The Topic Academic (TA) would have been more appropriate?

Let's define the TA. The Topic Academic is one who write about his pet topic extensively with a lot of energy put in it. The Extreme TA is one who write his/her thoughts on a certain pet topic with such intensity that he/she ignores if any of his/her readers would be able to understand/appreciate it, resulting in the author isolating him/herself as his/her readers are gradually turned away.

Now here's the single arguement that would shred this to pieces in an instant. With the cyberspace so vast, there will always be somebody out there who would be interested in your topic, no matter how isolating it may be. Very likely, on the same token of the vastness of the cyberspace, that these "somebody" may never have the opportunity to chance upon your blog.

Take mine for example. As I have said, nobody really comes to my blog as I wrote, wrote and wrote football for the past 18 months. Now I ask myself this, does that mean that I am the only one in the world that is interested in football? Of course not!

Ok, now that we got that out of the way, let's move on.

Where Do I Want To Go?

1.1) The Topic Academic (TA)
I am definitely going to carry on writing about football in the future. However, there is a few things that I would like to change and that is to tone it down a notch and also to make an effort to accommodate more people by covering topics that are more general in nature. I think I am (or I have since began last month) to write about life itself and the journey that it takes me. I would also like to write a bit of my experience as an expat in Ch1na, posting photos whenever I can so that everyone can get to know the place where I ply my trade better.

Dave Barry is an writer whom I modeled my writing after. I have always subscribed to the old saying "Laughter Is The Best Medicine". As such, I have always try to make it a point to make my pieces as light-hearted as possible (this would be the exception though). Why? Perhaps it is in the self-serving interest that it makes me happy to know that my article brought a smile to the face of somebody out there. So I guess, if anyone out there who enjoyed reading my piece, drop me a note to let me know. It will motivate me to do better and do more.

On the same token, for those whose writing has had me in stitches like mrbrown, Sheena, WonkyTong, AhDokBoy, Silly Celly and several others, I thank you too.

2) The News Reader (NR)
This is something that I probably would like to avoid. I don't see the point of rehashing the news on your own blog, while adding insult to injury by not putting any personal views into it. The media out there are already doing an excellent job and so whatever the NR is doing is kinda of redundant right?

So for me, if got nothing to say, I rather shut up and write about something else. Replicating something wholesale and putting it up on your blog is a bit like plagiarism. Yes? No? Besides, the media won't thank you for helping them rebroadcast.

In short, you will see me quoting the news and/or media only if I had something to add to it.

The thing is, that I am (or at least I wish to be) a purist at heart and I strongly feel that a blog must have the soul of the author in it.

3) The Bean Counter (BC)
As the saying goes,

"Build the perfect mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door."

That was my "mission statement" when I started Blog-City. I wrote sundry and all about football, with my thoughts in it so as to make it unique. I was hoping to get people to know me through football and to differentiate from the usual editorials on Soccernet, Soccerway, Goal, etc. I do get visitor hits here and there (about 2000 in the past 12 months). I know it's quite pathetic but I was ok with it even though I am not sure how many were accounted by my friends from the old emailing list days. What hit me hardest is the less-than 10 comments in the entire year that was most humbling and demoralising. As I have mentioned in the earlier part of the trilogy(!), it is akin to facing the thunderous silence after shouting your lungs off at the echo valley.

Bean CounterI guess it was naive of me to assume that if I keep on bulldozing my writing, people will eventually hop onto my train of thought and I could bring them to places that I would want them to go with me. While I am not saying that I should only be writing what other people wants to read, what I am really saying that perhaps I should adopt a more embracing approach that could engage the audience-at-large. I would still want to write about my stuff and what's on my mind but perhaps I should also leave room to accommodate participation.

Here's my new mission statement.

"Your audience is your friend. Put a smile on it."

Again, I don't advocate whoring yourself for the sake of attracting hits although I must admit writing solely on your own stamina can only take you so far. It is like the first tankful of gas when you collect the rental car. For me, the audience's response in my fuel to keep me going. It is the sustenance that prevents me from starving. However, I need to remind myself to not to lose my own identity.

As Anna has mentioned in my comments in Part 2,

"I don't really know where to place myself on your 3 categories. Definitely a conscious low for BC. I told myself not to get carried away with number counts. Of course, it's nice to have people affirm your writing. But if I base my writing on what pple want to hear, then I may not write truthfully. Besides, I'm not about to become an ace journalist with a target audience. (I don't even know who my target audience is.)
My objective of blogging is having an outlet for my offbeat humor, a community to share thoughts, and trying my hands at writing."

For me, I take a similar yet somewhat different approach. Granted that I too want this to be a place where I can share my thoughts but I also want it to be more engaging as my way of saying thanks to those who read my blog. In other words, this may be my house, but I still want my guest to feel comfortable and welcomed.

One final word. So now I have said how I want to approach my blogging but that doesn't mean that the alternative methods are bad and/or wrong. It simply means that the alternatives are just not my style. I may take it at the next crossroad but for now, this is my new locale in the matrix. 50% TA, 25% NR, 25% BC.

Footnote 1 --> I believe that there are as many be folks who agree with me as well as folks who thinks otherwise. I would like to hear what you have to say and hopefully, I can learn something from it.

Footnote 2 --> To the following people, thanks for your input. --> KnightOfPentacles, WonkyTong and Ah 9.

Quick Link: Me, My Blog & I - The Road Up To Now (Part 1 of 3)

Quick Link: Me, My Blog & I - Crossroads (Part 2 of 3)

Image Credit: http://www.ephrononmedia.com

- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Thursday, 14 April 2005 3:11 am
I still don't know what category my blog belongs in, but it's good to know I can make you laugh. =D

And BTW, I'm a CHIJ girl too.

2. a reader left...
Thursday, 14 April 2005 7:09 am
Frankly, I don't think it's possible to category your writings or thoughts so easily into TA, NR or BC.

When I have something to write, I just write it down. Don't really think about TA, or BC. After that, I read through the piece, will not publish yet. Sometimes, if a piece is too controversial or too one-sided, I may sit on it for a day or two. Basically, give it more thought to see if it will be misread.

Sometimes, you may be compulsed to write something, but realized that the writings don't make much sense.

3. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 14 April 2005 1:26 pm
Sheena: IJ Toa Payoh indeed! Your blog is one of the funny ones except for the occasional rant. You are one funny cookie.

Anna: You know what, you may be right. Perhaps I was just trying to put some logic into the traits of a blog. Everything also must have logic. Typical bloke thing hor?

And also guess what? Isn't this one of those blog where you felt compulsed to write it but realised that the writings don't make much sense?

Well, I think I am just going to leave it up there and hopefully someone would be able to get it?

My Uncle's Orange Tree

Spring time is my favourite season in California. The weather is great (15 to 20 degrees celsius), the dungeness crabs are in season in the north (e.g. San Francisco) and the orange and lemon trees in fruiting splendour, down south (e.g. Los Angeles, San Diego, etc).

I travel to the US regularly around this time of the year and I would always make it a point to stay over at my uncle's place for a few days. Like clockwork, I would check out the orange tree at the backyard, the moment I arrived as I am always curious to see how the orange tree is doing each year.

Well, the report card for this year... hmm... not so good. The tree was bare when I last visited in February and I thought fruiting was delayed as February was unusually wet this year.

Well, here I am again looking at the tree and I think perhaps next year would be a better harvest. Oui? Non?

Click here or picture to enlarge

On a good year, the tree would have been more orange then green and the branches strained to hold all the extra weight of the fruits.

Click here of the picture to enlarge

Ahh... the gang of oranges all relak one corner in the shade.

Let us not forget to appreciate the lush green leaves that compliments the cluster of oranges. Ahh... mother nature, thou art most beautiful!

Click here or picture to enlarge

While they may not be as pretty as the Sunkist/Jaffa oranges that we find in the supermarkets, but boy, they sure are si beh tua liap. D-Cup runneth over? No?

Looks like the neighbour's lemon tree is doing a much better job this year. So jealous! Hmm... speaking of lemon tree, maybe I should change this week's tune to Lemon Tree..... NOT!
- Voxeros

1. a reader left...
Thursday, 14 April 2005 9:21 pm
D? favourite...lots of juices in those fruits. =D..
9 [igotgame12@lycos.com]
2. JayWalk left...
Friday, 15 April 2005 12:51 am
Yeah... had it been another fruit, it could easily be Pomelo Anderson...
... ouch... bad joke... ouch.

3. a reader left...
Friday, 15 April 2005 1:58 am
Looks like pomelo. So biiiiig!

4. a reader left...
Friday, 15 April 2005 3:10 am
I missed California and the nice weather! *Sob* Wish I can go back there.
Pomelo anderson? Haha
5. JayWalk left...
Friday, 15 April 2005 3:30 pm
Anna: Eh? Somehow I am under the impression that you are in California?
Hmm.... what made me think that??