Got this "Smart or Stoopid " test from Lancerlord and I thought why not give this a shot.
As it turned out, my score was
OK lah... truth to be told, this test is more of a general knowledge test more than one of those IQ test and as such, having a higher score does not necessarily mean that you are smarter.
Just that you know more stuff. That's all.
- Voxeros
1. aloe left...
Tuesday, 6 February 2007 3:47 pm
sollie.. me no have general knowledge.. whahahahah! 2. spinnee left...
**The Smart or Stoopid test is purely meant to be a fun quiz to see how your IQ rates alongside the average, based on the scores of other people who have taken the test. Naturally, only stupid people would take it as a true indicator of intelligence, and only intelligent people would take it as a true indicator of stupidity. Or something like that.
Tuesday, 6 February 2007 4:45 pm
eh the website wrote: **The Smart or Stoopid test is purely meant to be a fun quiz to see how your IQ rates alongside the average, based on the scores of other people who have taken the test. Naturally, only stupid people would take it as a true indicator of intelligence, and only intelligent people would take it as a true indicator of stupidity. Or something like that.
3. sunflower left...
Tuesday, 6 February 2007 9:41 pm
*cough* *cough* 4. JayWalk left... Aloe: Acquiring general knowledge has been a thing that my folks encourage since young. I love reading and learning about new stuff even though some may be useless but interesting nevertheless.
e.g. If you drop a drop of whiskey onto a scorpion's back, it will sting itself to death.
Spinnee: Like said, this is merely a general knowledge test. Even so, it is not accurate since general knowledge cover such a wide base and as such cannot be represented by a mere 30 questions in a quiz.
There are 1440 minutes in a day.
Sunflower: *pat pat* *stroke stroke*
One can never sneeze with his/her eyes opened.
e.g. If you drop a drop of whiskey onto a scorpion's back, it will sting itself to death.
Spinnee: Like said, this is merely a general knowledge test. Even so, it is not accurate since general knowledge cover such a wide base and as such cannot be represented by a mere 30 questions in a quiz.
There are 1440 minutes in a day.
Sunflower: *pat pat* *stroke stroke*
One can never sneeze with his/her eyes opened.
5. akk left...
Wednesday, 7 February 2007 2:20 pm
i'm stoopid, i gather. i not only took the test, i failed it miserably... 6. JayWalk left... Akk: Don't fret. Quite a few questions were american-centric. I just lucky to know when Elvis died and which US President was at the end of WWII, just to name a few.
The correct number of espresso beans in a Sambuca is 3.
The correct number of espresso beans in a Sambuca is 3.
7. sunflower left...
Wednesday, 7 February 2007 11:50 pm
AKk, I will fail miserably too.... dont even dare to try.... 8. JayWalk left... Sunflower: I think you shouldn't worry so much about the results. If you fail to get the answer right, then perhaps you should try to find out and learn something from it.
The reward from this is not the high score but the fact that you learned something new today. Go ahead and try it!
In the old days, milk tea is prepared by adding a spot of cold milk before hot tea. The cold milk acts as a buffer that would prevent the hot tea from cracking the base of the cold porcelain tea cup.
The reward from this is not the high score but the fact that you learned something new today. Go ahead and try it!
In the old days, milk tea is prepared by adding a spot of cold milk before hot tea. The cold milk acts as a buffer that would prevent the hot tea from cracking the base of the cold porcelain tea cup.
9. zeenie left...
Thursday, 8 February 2007 9:52 am :: http://www.zeenie.blogspot.com
I not as smart as you, only scored 25. I dun do well under time pressure! LOL 10. JayWalk left... Zeenie: Aiyah, I just a tad luckier lah. *blush*
But you are absolutely right about the time pressure. I think I may have answered a couple of questions wrong coz I kar lang kar bok click wrong answer.
Barbie's (the doll) full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts.
But you are absolutely right about the time pressure. I think I may have answered a couple of questions wrong coz I kar lang kar bok click wrong answer.
Barbie's (the doll) full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts.
11. Jaschocolate left...
Thursday, 8 February 2007 9:45 pm
Errr... i am the average ppl.. just got 18 right but i anyhow click one :p 12. JayWalk left... Jaschocolate: Maybe that's what most people do. Anyhow click! LOL.
Walt Disney, creator of Mickey Mouse, was actually afraid of mice.
Walt Disney, creator of Mickey Mouse, was actually afraid of mice.
13. Meepoktah Maihiam left...
Tuesday, 13 February 2007 2:46 pm
Jay - I took the test. I also scored 27. Guess that's why we are brudders !!
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