It has been raining non-stop at all the wrong times resulting in the loss of opportunity to go for a run as well as a couple of tennis games.
Haiz.... also dunno bring my jogging shoes back Singapore for what.....
- Voxeros
1. kelawarkilat left...
Thursday, 28 December 2006 1:57 am
You can go to the gym mah. For a moment, i thought the title was "Lim Peh Tng Ker Liao". Thanks to everyone for the very enjoyable night watching Ronaldo dance and Liverpool squashed. :) 2. spinnee left...
anywayz that's a nice shot from ur place. i just drove past the other nite when i visited my pal at gm. ;)
Thursday, 28 December 2006 12:25 pm
kekekek i wanted to tell u dun need to bring it back.. but before i knew it u're back ..hahahahaha anywayz that's a nice shot from ur place. i just drove past the other nite when i visited my pal at gm. ;)
3. spinnee left...
Thursday, 28 December 2006 12:26 pm :: http://spinnee.blogspot.com
to clarify... the area nia.. not ur place.. *hahaha* 4. JayWalk left... Kelawarkilat: Thanks for showing up! It was good to catch up with you and the wife.
spinnee: Liew... nearby liao, then neber jio me go la kopi. How can?
spinnee: Liew... nearby liao, then neber jio me go la kopi. How can?
5. hitomi left...
Thursday, 28 December 2006 6:37 pm
Sorry, too busy at work, didn't have time to really catch up with you. Dec is a crazy month for me! 6. sunflower left...
Jay, thanks for the dinner!
Thursday, 28 December 2006 7:25 pm
Thanks for the very enjoyable night. Jay, thanks for the dinner!
7. akk left...
Thursday, 28 December 2006 8:25 pm
hey! thanks for the meet-up! havn't had the chance to comment cos of the disaster at taiwan, all systems down in my place. Take care and have a great new year!! 8. Jaschocolate left...
Friday, 29 December 2006 5:07 pm
Thanks for the dinner and ride.. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did :p 9. JayWalk left... Hitomi: Hey. Good to see you but somehow you always end up quiet quiet one corner one. Will catch you next time.
Sunflower & Akk: Pleasure's all mine.
Jaschocolate: Thanks for locating Jiak Hong for me!
Sunflower & Akk: Pleasure's all mine.
Jaschocolate: Thanks for locating Jiak Hong for me!
10. hiaoaunty left...
Sunday, 31 December 2006 8:14 pm
limpeh tng lai liao... u mean singapore or u mean back to spitland? very confusing u noe.... thanks for the good times (wink)... the meet up was wonderful.... and thanks for the sumptuous seafood dinner... we do it again next year??? 11. JayWalk left... Hiaoaunty: No lah. Haven't been able to access my blog due to the undersea cable damage.
See you next year!
See you next year!
12. hitomi left...
Wednesday, 3 January 2007 12:05 pm
cos table so big and i busy with the crabs. btw, tks for the dinner! 13. JayWalk left... hitomi: Note to self: Get smaller table next time.
14. aloe left...
Thursday, 4 January 2007 9:31 am
Note to Jay: Dun eat crabs next time. LOL! Everyone will be busy trying to get the crab meat out of the shell! 15. JayWalk left...
Friday, 5 January 2007 1:19 am ::
Aloe: So what do you have in mind for our next meeting? 16. aloe left...
Monday, 8 January 2007 9:29 am
=X =X Monday, 8 January 2007 2:18 pm ::
Aloe: You act blur har?