Chinese New Year has long been a time for me to catch up with my wife's side of the family. Given that my own are peppered all around the world from QQLand to USA to Taiwan, the concept of visiting for my side of the family is non-existent during the festive season.
So all that is left whenever I am back in Singapore for CNY, is the wife's side of the family which by the way, is rather big.
Our standard pattern is to visit the wife's paternal and maternal grandmas at their respective place and this is also an opportunity to catch up with the cousins, and bro/sis-in-laws whom I have gotten to know some well in the last 11 years.
Anyway, there was this one girl whom I am always happy to see. We aren't very close to each other but we do like to chit chat together whenever we bump into each other.
Like me, we are extended members of the wife's family tree. Her kid is now 3 years' old and that means that she stopped working 4 years ago. Given that she married into our family from a far away land i.e. she was all alone here when she first arrived. Her job was the only place for her to be outside the house and to make new friends. All that was taken away when she had the baby.
Now that the kid is old enough and they have a domestic helper to assist, she is thinking of going back out to work. Alas the husband, being somewhat of an old skool MCP, disallowed it.
"I feel so useless." she lamented.
My advice to her was for her to get a hobby to do something that would be some sort of a 精神寄托.
I suggested that perhaps she should start a blog and give herself an outlet. I said to come to me if she runs into problem with the setting up of the blog or to learn how to use it.
I also gave her my blog URL for her to read.
I hope she will be ok.
- Voxeros
1. ahtiong73 left...
Intro her to blog... could work either way
Thursday, 29 January 2009 1:22 am
WOW then must've taken 4-5 days to cover all relatives lo. Intro her to blog... could work either way
2. barffie left...
Friday, 30 January 2009 2:49 pm
How about ask her to join some charity to help out? Good for the soul mah... Saturday, 31 January 2009 12:47 pm ::
AhTiong73: Nope just two days. One day paternal grandma, next day is maternal grandma. All the relatives will gather there. So no need to zong here zong there. Barffie: Yeah. Maybe intro her to RunForFunds
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