I thought coming back to QQLand, I would be able to get back some of that momentum but somehow the workload does seem to allow me to do so.
I am a professional blogger in the sense that I blog only during office hours. wakakakaakak
Come home liao, I ish a nuah slug with 1,001 distractions to do anything but blog.
As a result, it is no surprise to see my visitor hits taking a beating and sliding down steadily.
Well, not that I really cared anyway.
So, I have decided.
I am going to join Ah Fry Singapore Association Of Low Traffic Bloggers! *Throw confetti and steal badge to paste on my right widget column*
Speaking of Blogger Association, I am suddenly reminded of something else. Show of hands who still remember the Association of Bloggers (Singapore)?
Here's a few links to jog your memory. Enjoy.
- JayWalk (20 Jan 2009) - Association Of Bloggers (Singapore)
- JayWalk (28 Jan 2009) - More Shit From The Hole
- JayWalk (18 Jan 2010) - Association Of Bloggers (Singapore) - FAIL
p.s. Eh. Why I not on Ah Fry's Poison List ah? iHurted.
Image Credit: http://talesofasmallfry.blogspot.com/
- Voxeros
1. barffie left...
Tuesday, 3 August 2010 11:43 pm
I ish also Low Traffic Booger!
2. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 4 August 2010 8:50 am ::
Barffie: Then add the badge and join us. Your $110 per annum subscription is waived!
3. Ah Fry left...
Barffie, welcome ah! lemme know if u is in, i also tag u orh.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010 11:10 am :: http://talesofasmallfry.blogspot.com/
Eh, why got $110 subscription fee neber tell me one? last time i fix at $33 leh. Barffie, welcome ah! lemme know if u is in, i also tag u orh.
4. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 4 August 2010 12:01 pm ::
Ah Fry: Alamak....... you exposed my markup!!!
5. Ah Fry left...
Wednesday, 4 August 2010 12:55 pm :: http://talesofasmallfry.blogspot.com/
QUICK! delete! delete!
6. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 5 August 2010 7:51 am ::
Ah Fry : Too late liao lah.... you pichar my lobang!!!
7. Ah Fry left...
Thursday, 5 August 2010 9:38 am :: http://talesofasmallfry.blogspot.com/
*hides behind coconut tree*
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