This picture sparked out a massive outcry amongst the netizens who are already sibeh dulan with the Gahmen allegedly wasting money (and exceeding budget) to do the Youth Olympic Games. The folks failed to see how investing in this event would benefit Singapore as a whole.
In the Gahmen's defence, I think there are benefits coming from holding such an event but perhaps it is the Gahmen's failure to explain where and how Singapore is going to benefit beyond the SGD 104 + 283 million that has cause such a big furor amongst the people.
With negative feelings all over the island, it is natural that the entire event will come under close microscopic scrutiny and every little misstep will have the people all up in arm with pitchforks and torches.
Once the above picture went on air, other pictures were soon to follow as they wonder if this is what paying Singapore Food Industries (SFI) a whopping amount of SGD 5.5 million gets them.

Here's the thing about Singapore. Everybody loves a witch hunt followed by a stoning session and finish with a burning at the stake.
When the first blade has sunk into the flesh, everybody loves to jump in and "Et tu Brute? Then fall, Caesar!"
Oh how we all love to be No.2.

The above 4 pictures were taken by Cool402 on 15 Aug 2010, who volunteers at the Jalan Besar Stadium and according to his account, what you see above has always been like that since day one i.e. it was not a sudden improvement overnight as a result of the "Dog Food" saga making the headlines.
So what we have here is a conflict of accounts. Yes, it is a SGD 5.5 million project awarded to SFI but think for a moment, do you really think that SFI itself is able to undertake the whole project by itself?
I am thinking sub-contracts here and I believe this is where the delivery breaks down.
It could be a case of sub-contractor failing to deliver up to par, probably due to the super low margin passed down to them after SFI has finished skimming off the top cream or the said sub-contractor is genuinely fucked up.
It could also be a case of the food wise being up to standard but perhaps it is the idiot or group of idiots who did not make the effort to pack the proper lunchbox? Who is this idiot or group of idiots? Main contractors themselves, sub-contractors themselves or worse, fellow volunteers?
So until we find out for sure what actually happened and transpired, I do not think it is right to stir up so much shit.
The sub-standard lunchboxes is a fact that we do not deny. However, we should all give SFI the chance to investigate and come back with their findings.
Until then, please put the pitchforks back to the barn, leave the torches unlit and leave all those stones on the floor.
You are no better if you were to jump right in without figuring out what is right and what is wrong.
Image Credits: http://hwsoh.blogspot.com; http://x-surfer.blogspot.com
- Voxeros
1. Pam left...
Wednesday, 18 August 2010 5:03 pm
exactly - my sentiments exactly... I get the TOC updates on my FB (just coz...) and frankly, their constant negativity is really p-ing me off big time. There are big issues where you can very rightly voice some opposition (and perhaps offer some constructive alternative suggesitons) but man, for every 'wrong step' that someone makes, it's all about the gahmen???the bad weather is a fault of the gahmen? c'mon, gimme a break. Sure, the floods have perhaps been rather mismanaged, but the rainy season as gahmen fault - that's going abit too far.
I had the exact same thought this morning when I woke up and saw that they were 'witch hunting' the MP VB because he took the trouble to reply (and according to them was being martyr like)... so what do they want him to do? not reply (which is what alot of people have suggested he won't)..? so really, it's a do it and get screwed, don't do it, still get screwed.
That's what I REALLY DON'T like about Singaporeans (and well, there are lots of British people who are the same really - so can't really generalise)....
exactly - my sentiments exactly... I get the TOC updates on my FB (just coz...) and frankly, their constant negativity is really p-ing me off big time. There are big issues where you can very rightly voice some opposition (and perhaps offer some constructive alternative suggesitons) but man, for every 'wrong step' that someone makes, it's all about the gahmen???
the bad weather is a fault of the gahmen? c'mon, gimme a break. Sure, the floods have perhaps been rather mismanaged, but the rainy season as gahmen fault - that's going abit too far.
I had the exact same thought this morning when I woke up and saw that they were 'witch hunting' the MP VB because he took the trouble to reply (and according to them was being martyr like)... so what do they want him to do? not reply (which is what alot of people have suggested he won't)..? so really, it's a do it and get screwed, don't do it, still get screwed.
That's what I REALLY DON'T like about Singaporeans (and well, there are lots of British people who are the same really - so can't really generalise)....
Well, a mass food poisoning case just broke out at YOG causing 26 local volunteers to be sick.
Looks like they are going to have a field day taking potshots at the MIW.
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