We ate rather heartily until Jean complained that she better stop cause she felt that she was getting fat. Joyce disagreed as she felt that Jean was nowhere near fat and sought me to side with on this opinion.
To which the following conversation ensued...
Joyce: Eh. *pointing at Jean*, she not fat right?
Jay: Aiyah.... one thing I learn is all girls think that they are fat one. Regardless. Even the anorexic and bulimic ones.
... then I went further with "exagerration mode" +ON to full power...
Jay: Even those African refugee women nothing to eat for days, weak until collapse on the floor liao....
Jay: *pause for effect* .... they will still ask "Am I fat?" *
It was an awkward silence for like half a second as Jean and I rolled eyes at each other.
* WIN *
Aiyoh... this girl har.... sibeh cute.....
* Ok ok.... I know it's very mean to be making fun of the refugees' plight. To that I am sorry. I take back all the Ethopian jokes as well.
- Voxeros
1. Chocolate gal left...
Friday, 7 September 2007 1:50 pm
Every gal is fat... only difference is no weight fat or really fat or ok fat... as what u have said loh...
2. JayWalk left...
Friday, 7 September 2007 3:18 pm ::
ChocGal: Exactly. Personally, I think a girl all skin and bones is rather off-putting.
3. Bellatrix Lestrange left...
Saturday, 8 September 2007 10:42 am
Your disclaimer put so small.. let Ant see ah ... well its true, women will never be satisfied with how skinny they are.... but i have like lotsa feed back from my guy friends that they prefer dunlopillo to boney bag of bones...
4. JayWalk left...
I agree lah. You go langah Ms Boney-M hor, your downstair the front pelvic bone there next morning sure tio internal injury one lor.....
Saturday, 8 September 2007 3:46 pm ::
RedQueen: Mai arh nee kuan kong. Text smaller is to differentiate from actual text of the entry mah. I agree lah. You go langah Ms Boney-M hor, your downstair the front pelvic bone there next morning sure tio internal injury one lor.....
5. j0yz left...
Friday, 14 September 2007 12:37 am
that sotong does not look like me at all! it really looks very obscene! =|
6. JayWalk left...
Anyway, you are right. That sotong caricature doesn't look like you. I got a puffer fish (Fugu) drawn up liao.
You can go ask Lex what is a Fugu.
Friday, 14 September 2007 9:38 am ::
Joyz: Ahh... welcome to the blog. It is only obscene only if you are thinking dirty. Oops.... Anyway, you are right. That sotong caricature doesn't look like you. I got a puffer fish (Fugu) drawn up liao.
You can go ask Lex what is a Fugu.
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