
09 July 2008

Hi Plurk, Bye Twitter.

My thanks to KosherJellyFish, MsVindicta and her sister (got blog?) for trying to help with above spoof ad.


It was hilarious when KosherJellyFish cried out that she couldn't bend my "twitter". Too hard! Genghis Khan Horse!! LOL!!

Well, it looks like the CowBoyBar is making a mass exodus over from Twitter to Plurk. Possibly due to the frustrating frequent downtimes of the former servers for all sorts of reasons ranging from server overload, to technical maintenance, to blah blah blah.

Sorry Twitter, we are not patient people who just sit around waiting for you guys to figure this out.

Still Twitter does have it's advantages, one of which is the ability to receive twits via SMS. The interface is also neater and less tiresome from having to click all over the place.

However, this is just the initial stages as I slowly gotten used to moving around Plurk already and not be as flustered as before.

Ready to sound the death knell of Twitter then? Well, perhaps not quite yet as I am still using Twitter's feed widget for my blog on the right side column. For some strange reason, the script from Plurk's feed widget interferes with the script of my Tagboard. Dunno why.

So for now, I am using Plurk and through Feedtwitter to relay the feed from Plurk over to Twitter.

Come join the CowBoyBar on Plurk today!

- Voxeros

1. Linny. left...
Wednesday, 9 July 2008 7:42 pm ::
Plurk is plurking addictive.

2. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 10 July 2008 10:42 am :: 
Linny: Yah lor... I oso say...

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