In the mean time, perhaps if I may republish the next email from Adrian dated earlier this week.
Afternote: Adrian did complete the marathon in a time of 5 hours 35 minutes. Congratulations!
Read about it over at the RunForFunds blog.
Hi all, (Superfriends, pls cascade to your sponsors)
6 days to the run.
I'm still perspiring too much from my prep runs.
Just can't adjust fast enough to the warm weather.
Pledges from my sponsors so far: S$ 4,388.
Please keep those pledges coming!
I will send info on how you can make your payments after the run.
1. How will the funds be used in 2006?
Someone asked me how the funds will be deployed in 2006.
Essentially it will go to:
1. Needy kids in schools (pocket money fund, school books, uniforms, shoes misc expenses)
2. High potential underprivileged kids (maximize your potential programme)
3. Old folks in institutions and homes
4. Orphanages
5. Helping the destitute (groceries, no cash)
Great news !! One of our Pri 6 Max Your Potential recipients excelled in his PSLE with a score of 243 (282 is highest score in Singapore). He will be going to a SAP school (one tier below gifted).
2. Let's hear it for the RFF SuperFriends
I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce the team of 28 Superfriends who will be running for funds in 2005.
10km (15 SuperFriends)
Manohar Khiatani, Naomi Kwang, Lynette Tan, Kelvin Wong, Sidat Senanayake, Kong Jen Siang, Tan Choon Shian, Chua Kia Chee, Eugene Leong, Deyna Chia, Lenny Lim, Beh Swan Gin, Diana Wong, Eric Chan, Khoo Wei Ming
21km (11 SuperFriends)
Koh Sing Liang, Aw Kah Peng, Julian Ho, Moo An Wee, Li Jiawen, Justin Keh, Chua Yong Hwee, Mok Chee Liang, Chen Yiwen, Kelvin Aw, Chiang Heng Kheng
42km (2 SuperFriends)
Raphael Heng, Adrian Lee
At least 6 would-be SuperFriends were not able to register for the Stanchart run as registrations closed early due to an overwhelming response.
3. The power of blog
One of my secondary school buddies, JayWalk, suggested that we spread the word about the RFF movement in the blogsphere.
So far, RFF is plugged into 15 blog sites (including Taufik Batisah's site!)
The intent is not the solicit funds from the public but to create an awareness that, as individuals, we have the power to effect a change in the lives of the less privileged.
Big change, small change, doesn't matter.
Just do it 'cos the small good deed is better than the grandest good intention.
- Voxeros
1. heather left...
Monday, 5 December 2005 7:21 pm :: http://www.midsummergirl.com
I can't be there to run but I will support you guys mentally! hehe.. 2. JayWalk left...
heather: Thanks. The run was good. Adrian did complete the marathon!
Stay tuned! Pictures to come!
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