Prawn fishing or known otherwise to some people as prawning. However, as far as I am concerned, I am sticking to calling it prawn fishing simply become the word prawning doesn't exist (I'd like to see anyone put that in Scrabble unchallenged).

So it was decided that we go prawn fishing.
It was nearby and we got there via cab in a jiffy.
We were handed a rod and off we go.
Problem is that we were still buzzing from all the beer that it took a bladdy long time to hook the tiny bait. My hands were literally shaking and my eyes are struggling to stay in focus.
Finally, we got the rod into the water and we waited. The floater bobbed furiously and I was thinking this must be my lucky day to land a big one on my first cast.
Oh wait. That's just my hands shaking. @.@
So to cut the story short, we didn't have a good haul as you can see from the pot of pepper prawns. Still, it's ok since we were still quite full from dinner earlier.
- Voxeros
1. ashke left...
http://ww w.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=prawning
I'm always amused when Singaporeans call 'prawn fishing' prawning.
Friday, 29 August 2008 11:55 am
According to urbandictionary, prawning has another meaning... http://ww w.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=prawning
I'm always amused when Singaporeans call 'prawn fishing' prawning.
2. JayWalk left...
Friday, 29 August 2008 5:19 pm ::
ashke: Good thing I stuck to prawn fishing. *shudder*
3. grasshopper left...
*elbow nudge* so you went prawning ah? Don't blame you lah, we all make mistakes when we drink!
Sunday, 31 August 2008 3:23 pm
LOL.......i also thought I heard someone mention the term before, but for a totally different conversation. *elbow nudge* so you went prawning ah? Don't blame you lah, we all make mistakes when we drink!
Monday, 1 September 2008 11:01 am ::
Grasshopper: Harlow! If you read my entry properly hor, I REFUSED to use the word "prawning" hor!
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